Minimum Viable Product
Bring the simplest possible version of your product to your customers
With the information gathered from prototyping, you will be ready to move on to the next stage - your Minimum Viable Product. This is the simplest possible version of your product or service that can reach your customer. This allows your customers to see the key value points while reducing your time to market and keeping your costs low. With your MVP, you can build a customer base and demonstrate to investors that you have something real - not just a good idea.
This Minimum Viable Product can be an off-the-shelf solution, a web application or a native Android or Apple mobile application. We will take these applications from just an idea right through to generating revenue on the App Stores. Throughout this process you will have full access to your application’s source code and to our application development dashboard. This will be a collaborative process where we will be constant communication with you.
The outcome of this stage will be a simple functional application deployed to the web or to the Apple and Android App Stores.